Festa del Duca 15, 16 and 17 august 2014

In its renewed image of the Feast of the Duke of Urbino looks like Event, which aims to develop and communicate with an audience open, sharing the dialectical and proposals that are revealed by the opening of separate "Curtains" Renaissance (spiritual places and places of pleasure linked to what our region has always been able to offer to those who come only as a tourist, but mostly looks like a traveler, curious and attentive to make languages).

The Renaissance is not only the historical period to revisit and bring back to the memory of our generations, distracted by opportunities to serial entertainment or square, markedly referential: "Renaissance-as it had to Pound-note is a behavior"; as such, the message will be understood by a public non-invasive, passive or turbulent, but curious and committed to the growth of the event, in its various sectors: from theater to film to music to food to the renewed games of weapons .... in short, to playful "arme et scaramucciar for love, in short, to those various proposals spectacular, which will ensure the growth of the city as a" place of the spirit. "
Month of August
Address / Location
Piazza della Repubblica - Urbino
folder festadelduca 2014-01.pdf | folder festadelduca 2014-02.pdf
Official Website
Montefeltro Sviluppo
Confturismo Marche Nord Camera di Commercio Pesaro e Urbino Montefeltro Leader
Programma di Sviluppo Rurale
Regione Marche Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali Unione Europea
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