towns to visit
Macerata Feltria

The city, located in the heart of Montefeltro, was owned by the Malatesta of Rimini and was greatly contended for its location. In late-republican and imperial era, Macerata was an active commercial center, known for timber trade, which ensured a good level of well-being to its people. The archaeological investigations have documented his subsequent impoverishment after the Greek-Gothic Wars, until the Middle Ages.
Address / Location
Montefeltro - Macerata Feltria
Montefeltro Sviluppo
Confturismo Marche Nord Camera di Commercio Pesaro e Urbino Montefeltro Leader
Programma di Sviluppo Rurale
Regione Marche Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali Unione Europea
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