towns to visit
Mercatello sul Metauro

The city of ancient origins, inhabited since the Etruscan era, was swept by the barbarian invasions, as most of the territory, then it carve out the role of the market in the territory, an activity that gave rise to the current name Mercatello. The evolution of its urban structure began in the thirteenth century and was completed with the passage under the rule of the Lords that will give life to the Duchy of Urbino.
Address / Location
Valle del Metauro - Urbino
Montefeltro Sviluppo
Confturismo Marche Nord Camera di Commercio Pesaro e Urbino Montefeltro Leader
Programma di Sviluppo Rurale
Regione Marche Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali Unione Europea
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